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What is a daily affirmation?

A daily affirmation is a simple statement, which declares a specific goal in its completed state. For example, if your goal is to make a delicious dinner for your family, then a great affirmation for you to use could be “my family absolutely loves the delicious meal I have made”.

Now, I know for those who are new to affirmations it may simply sound too good to be true. However, daily affirmations have been known to have a profound effect on the conscious and unconscious mind. Helping you to re-programme your way of thinking and living, as affirmations are also known to hold an important key in unlocking the law of attraction.

Over time, more and more people have started to use powerful daily affirmations to help shape their desired reality.

All you have to do is stay committed, patient and open-minded. Isn’t that a great deal?

180 Daily powerful affirmations

Here are some of the best daily positive affirmations to help you get started on your journey to a better you and a better life.

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep
conviction, things begin to happen.” – Claude M. Bristol, American author


Morning Affirmations for Women

1. I am happy and content with myself.

2. Happiness is a choice and today I choose to be happy.

3. I can and I will because everything is possible.

4. I am surrounded by beautiful things.

5. I am overflowing with happiness and gratitude.

6. My potential is limitless.

7. I overcome all obstacles standing in my way.

8. I forgive myself.

9. Today I choose to shine.

10. I will have an amazing day today.

11. Everything I’m looking for is already within me.

12. I am powerful.

13. I am attracting great things into my life. 

14. Happiness flows through me.

15. I am grateful for another day.

16. I radiate positivity.

17. Life is a beautiful gift.

18. I have control over my own thoughts and energy.

19. Today is full of opportunities and love.

20. Every morning is a beautiful morning.

21. I always go after what I want.

22. I love myself.

23. I am open, I am healing, I am happy.

24. Today I feel even healthier and stronger than yesterday.

25. I have everything I need to make today a great day.

26. I am a magnet for happiness.

27. Today I am going to change my life for the better.

28. I will finish all of my tasks with joy today.

29. I will only think positive thoughts today.

30. I am surrounded with positive and loving people.

Christian Affirmations

31. I do not fear evil.

32. God hears me.

33. Nothing is impossible with God.

34. God will not leave me or abandon me.

35. I have found life in God.

36. God is always by my side.

37. I walk by faith.

38. God has a great plan for me.

39. God is my healer.

40. God makes me strong.

41. God heals all of my wounds.

42. My soul finds joy in God.

43. God will always comfort me.

44. God had me in mind before I was born.

45. God answers prayers.

46. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

47. God always saves me.

48. I am blessed.

49. God is making my dreams come true.

50. God is always present in my life.

51. I am strong and courageous.

52. God is guiding me, every step of the way.

53. I trust God.

54. God will keep me in perfect harmony.

55. I am forgiven.

56. God supplies all my needs.

57. Lord Jesus is my strength.

58. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and self-control.

59. God’s presence fills me with joy.

60. I take comfort in belonging to God.

Affirmations for Staying Positive

61. I have a purpose.

62. I do not waste a single day of my life.

63. I am adventurous.

64. I overcome my fears by following my dreams.

65. My mistakes do not define me.

66. I finish what matters and let go of what doesn’t.

67. This is my time.

68. I am in charge of how I feel and I choose to feel happy.

69. I am my own superhero.

70. I am enough.

71. I feed my spirit, I train my body, I focus my mind.

72. I am right where I’m supposed to be.

73. I have the power to change my life.

74. My past may be ugly but I am still beautiful.

75. What I have done today was the best I was able to do today and for that, I am proud. 

76. I am enough and complete.

77. I now release anything and anyone that is holding me back.

78. I deserve the best.

79. I don’t compare myself to others because I am enough.

80. I am proud of myself.

81. I will always find a solution.

82. I am unstoppable.

83. My life is perfect will all the positive and negative things in it.

84. I am the architect of my life.

85. I am superior to negative thoughts energy.

86. I deserve to be happy no matter what.

87. I will not give in to sadness.

88. My thoughts have no control over me.

89. I will never give up.

90. Note to self: I am going to make you so proud today.

Affirmation for Confidence

91. I have the power to achieve great things.

92. I am confident in myself.

93. I have full control over my life.

94. My life is amazing.

95. I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough.

96. My confidence grows more and more every day.

97. I have a unique perspective.

98. I am creative.

99. I deserve everything I desire.

100. I radiate confidence.

101. I have unlimited power.

102. I believe in myself.

103. I am intelligent and capable.

104. I am constantly inspiring others.

105. I am proud of myself.

106. I view myself through kind eyes.

107. I feel great about who I am.

108. I am comfortable speaking my mind.

109. I am worthy of good things.

110. Confidence is my birth right.

111. I am successful in everything I do.

112. All of my plans, thoughts and ideas lead me straight to success.

113. I trust myself. 

114. Confidence is my middle name.

115. I love to share my ideas and thoughts.

116. I am confident and strong.

117. There is nothing I cannot overcome.

118. I do not need validation from others.

119. I love and respect myself.

120. There is no such thing as failure, only progress.

Daily Affirmations for Success

121. I am blessed to have everything I need to create a successful life.

122. I have the power to achieve everything I have dreamt for myself.

123. I can do anything I want.

124. This world provides me with countless opportunities.

125. I manifest everything I desire.

126. I am successful in everything I do.

127. I am living life in a state of complete abundance.

128. I naturally attract good results.

129. I am not afraid to shine.

130. I have an infinite potential to grow and improve.

131. I am passionate about everything I do.

132. I now release old habits that are holding me back from becoming successful.

133. I attract abundance of success.

134. “I can’t” does not exist in my vocabulary.

135. I will never give up.

136. I am a magnet for success.

137. I welcome all of the wealth life offers me.

138. There are no limits to what I can achieve in my life.

139. I am a powerful creator.

140. I am determined to be successful forever.

141. I am free to do whatever I want with my life.

142. I was born to be successful.

143. I am the luckiest person in the world.

144. I am blessed beyond measures.

145. I will never give up on my goals and dreams.

146. I am a winner.

147. I work hard for my success.

148. Today will be another successful day.

149. I am not what others think of me.

150. I am a leader.

Daily Affirmations for Self Love

151. I accept myself for who I am.

152. I love myself unconditionally.

153. I love the woman that I am.

154. I am a work of art.

155. I love the body I was born with.

156. I deflect negativity.

157. I am at peace with myself.

158. I love my body and everything it does for me.

159. I am perfect.

160. I believe in myself.

161. I let go of negative talk.

162. I am whole.

163. I am constantly getting closer to becoming my best self.

164. I am at peace with my past.

165. I am valued.

166. I am proud of who I’ve become.

167. Today, I choose me.

168. I am beautiful on the inside and out.

169. I am doing the best I can.

170. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

171. I am a work in progress.

172. I now release every limiting belief I hold against myself.

173. I deserve to be loved.

174. I don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.

175. I am more than enough.

176. I matter.

177. I am kind to myself.

178. I am strong, beautiful and confident.

179. I am loved by others and myself.

180. I stand up for myself.

So, what are you waiting for?

Pick your favourite daily positive affirmations, get in front of a mirror and repeat your chosen affirmations to yourself.

It’s recommended that you repeat them at least three times, for at least a minute.

It may also speed things up to repeat this little ritual more than once per day, although, this is totally up to you.

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