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Belly Fat Burning Drinks

Did you know there are certain drinks that are best for fat burning and weight loss? 

If you are wondering, is there really something like a belly fat burner? A drink that will stop calorie build up and help you lose weight?

My favorite belly fat burner has been warm lemon water and honey.

A refreshing glass of this first thing in the morning or before I go for my morning walk, has found me shedding a few extra kilos.

Lemon and honey have a number of nutritional benefits, so its worth a try to see how this helps in your weight loss journey. The additional benefit of honey and lemon water, is that it keeps you away from carbonated drinks that can add unnecessary calories to your diet.

You will want to use these beverages alongside a healthy lifestyle to support healthy weight loss. 

The drinks mentioned in todays post, are super powerful and right under your nose.

On this list, you will find a mix of hot and cold drinks that you can consume every day and integrate into your healthy eating regimen.

Here are 7 of the best fat burning drinks for weight loss!


5 Best Drinks for Fat-Burning and Weight Loss

What you will love about these fat burning beverages is that some of them might already be in your pantry or kitchen!

They are really easy to access and simple to start incorporating into your diet for you and your family. 

You will learn what each of these 5 beverages is, how to drink them, where to find them and more.

So lets begin!


1. Coffee

coffee in a glass cup.First on our list is coffee!

This is a vice for many people. And, it’s funny because a lot of people think coffee is bad for you, but the truth is, it does have certain health benefits.

It’s great for its mood-boosting properties and the caffeine can improve energy levels too.

The fat burning comes from boosting the metabolism.

A faster metabolism means that your body is working faster to melt fat and calories off your body.

This Harvard study shows that drinking four cups of coffee per day can be associated with a modest amount of body fat lost, by about 4%!

Aside from that, if your goal isn’t to lose weight, it’s been shown that coffee drinkers have an easier time maintaining weight compared to those who don’t drink coffee.


How to Drink your coffee?

To get you closer to your goal of burning the most fat possible and losing weight, drink your coffee clean.

That means try to stay away from added sugars or sugar substitute and fatty fillers like cream or milk.

Think about that the next time you grab your cup of joe.


2. Green Tea

green teaGreen tea is so good for you! It comes with a ton of health benefits including:

  • Lowering the risk of certain cancers
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Lowering the risk of heart disease
  • Reducing bad breath
  • May improve brain function
  • And, other benefits

It helps increase energy levels and improves your body’s ability to fat burn all day long.


How Much Green Tea to Drink to Lose Weight?

To get the biggest benefit from drinking green tea, aim for consuming 2-3 cups daily.


3. Cumin Water

This is called Jeera water in India, which is nothing but cumin seeds infused water. Not only can jeera water aid in overall weight loss, but this drink also helps in digestion.

Many of us choose to have a drink along with our meal. While fizzy drinks are the most sought after option, cumin water is the healthier alternative to assist in digestion.

The way I learnt to make jeera water from my mom was to soak a teaspoon of cumin seeds in a full glass of water overnight. Strain the cumin seeds in the morning and drink the mixture.


4. Ginger Tea

If you are like me and enjoy the taste of ginger in your meals. you will love drinking ginger tea. 

Add a glass of boiling water to the stovetop.

Once the water starts to boil, add a one-inch piece of grated ginger. You can leave the skin on as it will be strained out later.

Leave the mixture to simmer for 7-10 minutes, or until you get the fragrance of ginger.

Strain the drink and consume with some natural honey or on its own.


5. Veggie Juice

vegetable juiceYes, good old vegetable juice. 

First, you’ll get closer to reaching your daily intake of vegetables for the day. Drinking your vegetables is a lot easier than eating them, believe it or not, though it may take some time to get used to the taste of veggie juice if you’re not used to it.

How to Make Veggie Juice?

This isn’t the same as going to the store and grabbing a pack of V8 tomato juice. You should aim for making your juice at home. 

Invest in a juicer and juice your veggies.

Your juice will be all vegetables. No added water and no salt or other seasonings.

You will consume veggies in its purest form.

Eating vegetables is still important and you’ll get more fibre than with juicing, but drinking low-sodium veggie juice has been linked with weight loss.

It can help keep you satisfied and full longer too.

Give this a try and see how you fare. 


6. Black Tea

black teaYes, another tea on the list and this one is delicious black tea. You will love the earthy, bold taste of black tea. A lot of people drink it as a substitute for coffee.

It contains compounds that help aid in weight loss.

It is high in antioxidants that help reduce body weight.

This study of 111 people found that people drinking three cups of black tea every day for 3 months significantly decreased their body weight and reduced waist circumference!


7. Water

weight loss drinksWater is fuel for your body and it’s super helpful in burning fat! It’s one of the simplest ways to lose weight.

Try drinking 64 ounces of water daily for a week and check the scale.

I read a story from a health author that experimented with water intake for 2 weeks. For the first 7 days she stopped drinking as much water as she normally does (which is a lot). She gained 7 pounds. Then, the next 7 days, she returned to her routine with her regular water intake and she lost those 7 pounds!

How powerful is that?

It is water weight but it’s weight, at the end of the day.

The best way to drink your water is cold.

Your body will burn more calories warming it up and drinking cold water comes with these benefits:

  • Increases resting energy output
  • Increases the number of calories burned while resting

Drinking more water can also keep you full longer, which means you will eat less food.

Try drinking a full glass of water before meals and you will notice that you eat less food.

There are differing schools of thought on how much water to actually drink. Some say aim for 64 ounces, others say to divide your weight by 2 and drink that number of ounces in water.

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds. Divide by 2 (150/2=75) so you’ll drink 75 ounces of water daily.

Bottom line, work more water into your diet. It’s good for you and can help you burn more fat.


Final Thoughts on belly fat burning drinks

Who knew that fat burning drinks for weight loss exist?

You can find all the drinks and ingredients on this list in your local grocery store. If you want to snag a better deal, try heading to a bulk store like Costco or buying in bulk online on Amazon.

Try any or all of these weight-loss supporting beverages to help you on your healthy lifestyle journey and aid in losing weight.

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